Alaska Recreation and Park Association
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Guest Registration for 2024 Conference Sponsors & Vendors - Red Salmon

Code Activity Ages Grades Days Dates/Times Location Fees
Red Salmon N/A N/A
$2000.00 Professional, $2000.00 Fee
  Quarter-page ad in the conference brochure. Logo included in the brochure. Insert media (not included in the brochure). Exhibitor booth included. Group social media shout-out. Membership shout-out.

Participant Information

*First Name *Last Name  
Birth Date Grade Gender
Do you have any food allergies or needs we should be aware of?
Do you plan to attend both luncheons on Wednesday and Thursday?
Do you plan to attend the final Awards and Member Banquet Dinner on Thursday evening?
Do you plan to attend the opening social event on Tuesday evening?
Do you require any accommodations or have any special setup needs?
Please provide a brief description of your company.
Please provide the best contact and email address for more information regarding media deliverables.
Please provide the first and last name(s) of the company representative who will be attending the conference.
Please provide your arrival date.
Please provide your departure date.